Boss Fight Studio Gladiators Deluxe Accessory Kit!

This is some of what I hinted at a while back… I’ve been doing some work for Boss Fight Studio. First up is the box art for the amazing Gladiators Deluxe Accessory Kit.

I had already been collecting their figures (Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S.), so it was a blast to be able to work on this.

Boss Fight Studio!

I’m doing some work for Boss Fight Studio!

I can’t share any more than that yet, but I can say they make the awesome Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. action figures that I have been collecting.

Click on that logo to see their stuff.

Rocketeer Spirit Pages!

Mars Attacks Judge Dredd!

All 4 Mars Attacks Judge Dredd covers for IDW pieced together.

Huge Update!

Well, it’s been a while since I last updated my website, but rest assured that I have been very busy. As of late, I’ve been working on several comic book covers for IDW PUBLISHING.  It all started with a pencil and inked cover, which will appear as the cover of issue #3 of T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS. My good friend, Steve Downer was assigned coloring chores on the cover, and the two of us started something of a chain reaction. Before I knew it, we were working on a DANGER GIRL cover, and then we were hired to do alternate covers for IDW’s MARS ATTACKS JUDGE DREDD four-issue mini series. Following that,  I was later hired to pencil issue #2 of ROCKETEER/SPIRIT: PULP FRICTION, written by legendary comic writer, Mark Waid, with inks by the great Bob Wiacek, and colors by the spectacular Jordie Bellaire!  I hope you’ll visit your local comic shop and/or will place orders for these comics online. Your support for my work is greatly appreciated!

So, I’m pleased to report in, and to share with you some of the covers that I have illustrated for IDW in the recent months. When I’m allowed to do so, I’ll try to preview a few pencilled pages from ROCKETEER/SPIRIT here on my website.  Thanks to everyone who visits my website on a regular basis. I’ll do my best to start updating more regularly in the future, so stick with me! I hope you enjoy the cover images.

New Interview at Flickering Myth!

My thanks to Trevor Hogg, who posted a great interview with me at Flickering Myth. Stop by and tell him Loston sent you!

“It’s clobberin’ time!” once again…now in blazing color!

Feast your eyes on my Thing Collage image, with the awesome digital hues by my buddy, Steve Downer! It’s always a pleasure to collaborate with Steve on projects because we seem to mesh very well together. Please check out more of Steve’s art and colors on his website:

Also stop in and check out my art gallery on DeviantART! There are lots of fun images there for your viewing pleasure.

Thing collage with colors by Steve Downer

Thing collage with colors by Steve Downer

Zatanna and a Couple of Boobs: Now in Color!

Here’s the finished colors on “Zatanna and a Couple of Boobs!” I think the colors turned out well, and I’d especially like to thank Steve Downer for his advice on how to approach the color on the background elements. This piece was a lot of fun, so I hope you enjoy the full color humor.

Zatanna and a Couple of Boobs Final Colors

Zatanna and a Couple of Boobs Final Colors

Commission: Zatanna, Blue Beetle, and Booster Gold

Here’s a commission I did for the awesome Hallopino! This illustration features the mystic Zatanna transforming the Blue Beetle, Booster Gold and Skeets into female versions of themselves! LOL.

I thought this was a very fun idea for a commission, and I enjoyed drawing it. Though I’ve recently drawn a Zatanna commission or two, it’s been a few years since I drew Zee in the animated style. The last time I did, it was for an illustration in a DCU kids book about 10 years ago. I love drawing Zatanna in any style! So much fun, that character! My favorite bit on this was Skeets with large boob shapes. You just know that’ll mess with the mechanized aerodynamics…

And if you’re interested in art techniques, I created the background texture using ink and a combination of sponge stamping and stippling.

Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and Skeets

Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, and Skeets

Interview at

A few days ago, I was interviewed on It is one of the most satisfying interviews I’ve had in some time.  Here’s your chance to get to know a little something about yours truly.

It is an interview containing several of my illustrations, as well as links to many of my personal favorites that I have done and several of my art tutorials. I hope you’ll read it, and if you enjoy it, please let the website know that you did!

As always, I appreciate your support!

See ya in the funny pages,
